According to the team at Pasta Café, more than 15 000 tons of pasta are imported into SA every year – and we doubt that’s purely due to all the athletes fuelling up for last weekend’s Two Oceans. So it’s about time our city had an eatery dedicated solely to this ultimate of comfort foods.

Enter Pasta Café at the Cape Royale. This little restaurant is comprised of only a small, fairy-lit courtyard and cosy interior, but it punches above its weight, Italian wise. As the name suggests, pasta – and only pasta – is the order of the day.


For someone who spends a lot of her time eating out and reporting back, I have a surprisingly low tolerance for long and complicated menus. If the world is my oyster, I’d prefer it to come with a maximum of three accompaniment options.

Pasta Café was right up my alley in this regard. The menu is neatly carved up into meat, seafood and vegetarian sauces, and seven choices of pasta (including a gluten-free option – clever them). That may sound like a lot if you don’t know your rigatoni from your gnocchi, but help is at hand to recommend which style would best suit your chosen sauce.

Cape Town Etc Dine | Pasta Cafe

You can tailor-make your meal by choosing from the build-your-own menu with its long list of ingredients, but if you don’t know what you’re doing I’d suggest choosing a classic sauce and letting the chefs do what they do best.

Speaking of the kitchen, it’s entirely open, so you can watch your meal being made from scratch and prepared to perfection.

Cape Town Etc Dine | Pasta Cafe

Our imaginations being bigger than our stomachs, we ordered three pastas to share between two (and went home with plenty for lunch the next day too).

I’m all about testing the basics before I trust a restaurant (if you can perfect a humble beef patty or margherita pizza, for example, then chances are you know what you’re doing in the kitchen), so we had to go with a classic spaghetti Bolognese, and it didn’t disappoint.

Our other two options were a traditional marinara with excellent calamari and mussels, and the primavera from the veggie menu, with a perfect balance of chilli and peppers. I’m itching to go back for the polpette and to happily have them outdo my home-made carbonara.

The cherry on top? Pasta Café is a hot takeaway spot, so you can get great pasta to take home for the family to devour.

Where Cape Royale Hotel, Main Road, Green Point
Trading hours 11 am – 10 pm daily
Cost Single portions range from R32.50 (Napoletana) to R89.50 (lamb and thyme), while family portions (two adults and two children) start at R90.50 and go up to R275.50
Contact +27 76 089 9174, 

Cape Town Etc Dine | Pasta Cafe

Photography Courtesy

  • PastaCafe_SA
    April 9, 2015 at 9:37 am

    CapeTownEtc Thank you so much….so when can we expect you to return for the Polpette and Carbonara? 😉

  • Pasta Café
    Pasta Café
    April 9, 2015 at 9:38 am

    We know the fans do 😉 We are looking forward to your next visit Cape Town Etc! Thanks so much!

  • Lynette Bantom Vigeland
    Lynette Bantom Vigeland
    April 9, 2015 at 10:29 am

    Love it!

  • Lisa Steffen
    Lisa Steffen
    April 9, 2015 at 11:01 am

    I am so ready to try this, went to the Italian Club for pasta and so disappointing!!! Was terrible, so super amped for Pasta Café 🙂 show some real Italian

  • nineov
    April 10, 2015 at 11:22 am

    IntertwEAT needs to be done right

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