Foxcroft has quickly established itself as one of the leading eateries in Cape Town since its inception late last year.

Sister to both La Colombe and the newly-opened La Petit Colombe in Franschhoek, the Constantia-based restaurant has given Cape Town locals the opportunity to enjoy upscale fare from a level that one would expect from its partners in the same stable – for a fraction of the price. Included within the offering is a bakery too, where a decadent arrangement of baked goods are served fresh on a daily basis. Those who’ve tasted Glen’s macaroons cannot easily forget them.

The latest drawcard for locals to enjoy at Foxcroft is their Spring Lunch Menu, where for R320 per person you’re able to enjoy four wonderful courses prepared by head chef and co-owner Glen Williams – himself one of Cape Town’s most talented pastry chefs. We caught up with Glen to find out more about himself and the Foxcroft experience.

Foxcroft bakery by Claire Gunn

The journey to Foxcroft as we know it today – where and how were you trained?

I did a very basic part time cheffing course, however, I would say that I’m largely self-taught. In my first job I was placed in pastry as a trainee, but after two weeks the pastry chef was dismissed and I was left to take over. This deep-end plunge into pastry is where I found my passion for the craft.

Just shy of two years in the industry, I landed a job as pastry CDP at La Colombe shortly after Scot Kirton became head chef and that was the crucial moment, as my working relationship with Scot is what made Foxcroft happen. The idea was talked over between Scot and myself over post-shift beers for a year or two before we actually got serious about it.

What can guests expect when visiting Foxcroft?

Guests can expect a casual atmosphere with food and wines that celebrate the terroir of the Western Cape. Especially with our new menu, 90% of our ingredients are local with a few exceptions such as standout cheeses and venison from other provinces. We only import what cannot be matched locally like Valrhona Chocolate and Elle & Vire lamination butter.


Other than that, guests can expect a small, intensely focussed menu, curated to the best of our ability, with relaxed yet attentive service.

Foxcroft food by Claire Gunn

Is there a chef in Cape Town who you admire the most?

There are too many to mention just one! But I’ll give a shout out to Ivor Jones, James Gaag and Cheyne Morrisby, I always have a good time eating at their places!

What trends are you noticing that are emerging in Cape Town?

More casual eating environments, plenty of single-focus restaurants, observation of terroir and plenty of DIY cooking.

Foxcroft by Claire Gunn

What is your absolute favorite thing to cook?

Anything that was once part of a pig.

What do you get up to in Cape Town when you’re not in the kitchen? 

90% of what I do in my spare time involves food, whether frequenting awesome restaurants and markets with Katy (my stunner of a partner), cooking, visiting farms that we get produce from, scouring antique markets for the perfect rocher spoon, there is always a culinary link.

If there is absolutely one thing guests need to try at Foxcroft, what would it be? 

Right now, it’s got to be the 64-degree Hen’s egg with black pudding, house-made pancetta, smoked apple and a rich pork broth. To me, it’s the perfect expression of bacon and eggs, in a neat four mouthfuls of porcine bliss.

Foxcroft food by Claire Gunn 2

Photography Claire Gunn



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