Burgers are a manly food. I’m not saying they aren’t for women, but when you have a man-sized slab of meat packed with enough sauce in between those buns to warrant a PG-13 rating , the only way to really eat it is with your hands – which is perhaps not as lady-like as, say, sushi.

I’m pretty sure the owner of Three Feathers Diner on Bromwell Road, Woodstock knows this and has therefore constructed the perfect (lady-friendly) man cave to chill in while enjoying a seriously huge burger that would pique the interest of any burger connoisseur. What started off as a small-time man cave offering steak rolls on-the-go around the corner from The Biscuit Mill, expanded into Three Feathers Diner in October last year.

The diner is a shrine to all things cool and is also a new kid on the block of Cape Town’s burger scene. Muscle cars are the flavour of the day at the diner as the menu boasts hunger-busting burgers with names like the Corvette (served with grilled bacon and a fried egg), the Camaro (delicious mushroom and pepper sauce) and the Charger (Jalapeno chillies and a slice of mature cheddar cheese). Three Feathers even have their own muscle cars on the premises!

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The Camaro - a burger that probably weighs more than an infant.
The Camaro – a burger that probably weighs more than an infant.

Tackling such a big burger is a right of passage for men. You’re going to have to Guy Fieri this one to do it justice. On the day I went with the Camaro, which is basically a giant burger lathered generously with mushroom and pepper sauce.

The other half of our dining crew for the day is a vegetarian and unfortunately Three Feathers were fresh out of their Chevelle veggie burger, but the staff were super accommodating and organised a slice of quiche and salad from a eatery in the same building for our honorary vegetarian. It’s always a good thing when the staff go the extra mile for their customers.

The burgers set you back R70 a pop and come with chips, rather well priced considering other burger joints in a similar category charge that alone for just the burger. The milkshakes here are seriously good too. Try them.

Special mention must go to the graffiti art adorning the interior and surrounds of Three Feathers Diner. Notable graffiti artists Mantis (RSA) and Seemsoe (GER) have added splashes of colour to the diner with their art, creating a visually appealing environment from the moment you walk in.

Three Feathers Diner graffiti Three Feathers Diner Graffiti

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Where 68 Bromwell Road, Woodstock
When Monday to Saturday 11 am – 10 pm
Contact +27 21 448 6606, [email protected]

  • Craig Stack
    Craig Stack
    February 16, 2015 at 10:38 am

    Dave da Stack

  • Passyw
    February 16, 2015 at 10:46 am

    CapeTownEtc Where exactly in capetownlife

  • CapeTownEtc
    February 16, 2015 at 10:47 am

    Passyw capetownlife Around the corner from the Biscuit Mill, on Bromwell Road.

  • Cape Town Etc
    Cape Town Etc
    February 16, 2015 at 11:20 am

    Thanks Nick! We were unaware that The Knob & Three Feathers were one and the same. Cheers man 🙂

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