A near-perfect TripAdvisor rating puts Conrad Pezula right up there, if not there, as one of the best luxurious destinations in the Garden Route.

Getting around by golf cart is the order of the day here. The hotel’s grounds are right next to Pezula Golf Estate and this is all built on top of the eastern head of Knysna, which is hilly at the best of times, so calling in for a golf cart to navigate between your suite and the main hotel area is generally the status quo – especially if you have just fine dined at Zachary’s.

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Our suite was wonderful, truly modern with soft lighting in all the right places. The suite’s fireplace burned gently through the night and helped  to ward off the winter chill, as did the underfloor heating. A fitted bar complete with the makings of a Bloody Mary or four was the cherry on top, while the sea-facing terrace added majestic views to round it off.


Dining options include the upscale (but not intimidating) Zachary’s and the more laid-back Café Z. Both make use of herbs and veggies grown on the premises and menus vary according to what is in season. Try the food and wine pairing experience at Zachary’s and you’ll see why this was was the hotel of choice for the French national football team during the 2010 World Cup. I’m pretty sure even Nicholas Anelka (nicknamed Le Sulk) cracked a smile during his stay with the team, which probably included the odd lavish dinner here.

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Conrad Pezula’s location is one of the most sought-after in the Garden Route, let alone Knysna. On the one side, you’re faced with largely unspoiled, rolling hills giving way to the Knysna coastline, and on the other a panoramic view of the lagoon and the laid-back town. At night, you may hear the faint, enchanting call of the nocturnal Fiery-necked nightjar as we did, but other than that – absolute silence. A great break away from the rat race.

Exterior of Hotel

Where Lagoon View Dr, Sparrebosch, Knysna
Contact +27 44 302 3333, [email protected], Website

Photography Courtesy

  • Theo Kabongo
    Theo Kabongo
    August 6, 2015 at 5:09 pm

    To class

  • Marie Bolish
    Marie Bolish
    August 7, 2015 at 8:45 am


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