A whirlwind trip out to the bush is always a thrilling experience, but those long treks back home really do take it out of you. Not quite ready to dive back into manic city living just yet, we decided to extend our restful weekend away at Sanbona with a night’s stay at the award-winning Mimosa Lodge.

 A scenic 2-hour trip from Cape Town, it would be apt to describe Montagu as a quaint, ‘one horse town’ where a visit is the equivalent of being transported to a bygone era. Forming part of the local charm is the upscale lodge Mimosa – a firm favourite among locals and passers-by. After just a night’s stay, we can see why.

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This petite lodge is run by a husband and wife team, who are gracious and accommodating hosts. We were pleasantly surprised at the unique layout of the lodge- not just a single house standing by itself but comprises of several exquisite flatlets. Each flatlet overlooks a unique garden that is straight out of a fairytale. As for the interior, we enjoyed the art deco feel about the place – while modern, fresh and vibrant in colour we felt comfortable and right at home.

Owner and husband Bernhard Hess is not only an accomplished lodge manager but is a wine connoisseur who also knows his way around a kitchen. We were treated to a pre-dinner dessert wine consisting of chardonnay and shiraz, both were harvested in their own vineyard. Afterward, came the much anticipated three-course meal. Using the freshest ingredients, Bernhard is known for cooking up culinary masterpieces which include local specialities of lamb, springbok and ostrich. It’s his cuisine that is putting Montagu on the culinary map.



Our meal started off the Mimosa’s signature quail on a bed of spinach lathered in a hot Thai curry sauce followed by a loin of springbok served with layered potatoes and drizzled in thyme jus for mains. For dessert, we went back-to-basics with a serving of ice cream – much to our kid’s delight! If you’ve got children who are fussy eaters, Mimosa also provide kid-friendly meals, in this case our little ones enjoyed a scrumptious bowl of game spaghetti bolognese.

An overnight stay at Mimosa Lodge was just what we needed to ease back into our crazy work-week schedules – with its fine wine, good food and tranquil setting. I would certainly recommend this gem to all visitors of the historic town of Montagu. 


Where 19 Kerk Street, Montagu
Contact +27 23 614 2351, www.mimosa.co.za

Photography Courtesy

  • Elize Bekker
    Elize Bekker
    August 20, 2015 at 11:13 am

    Montagu is spelled without the “e” on the end. U0001f490

  • Cape Town Etc
    Cape Town Etc
    August 20, 2015 at 2:25 pm

    Oops! That has been fixed. Thanks Elize!

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