Traveling has become so accessible and affordable. Booking a flight is a mere 3 clicks away. You look forward to that long flight overseas using hashtags – #adventureawaits, #travel, #airplane, #jet, #aviation, #viewfromthesky – you need to add one more hashtag #PlanePlainDirty

Although most airplanes looks pretty spotless and smells almost brand new – the truth is, it’s really a dirty place to be. We asked a few flight attendants to share some inside information with us, and what you are about to read is all true, sadly.

1. Step away from the tray
The fold-away tray is one of the dirtiest things on the plane? How often do you put your feet against it? Others do it bare feet as well. Some parents change their babies on there, or keep the nappy on it until the hostess comes down the aisle. Yes they are wiped down, but imagine it being wiped down with a cloth starting in row 1, by the time it gets to row 30 it would be dirtier than it was before. Next time you board a plane, be sure to wipe down the tray table before eating off it.

2. Don’t touch the emergency door
Why do air hostesses ask if you are willing to assist in opening the door incase of an emergency. The door cannot be opened during mid-flight. It is impossible to open the door. If you are caught trying you will be restrained. The pilot might even make an emergency landing and to throw you off the plane. Don’t even test this theory on your next trip. If by an odd chance you get it to open, you will get sucked out, with everybody else on the plane.

3. The best seat in the house
Passengers always choose their seat closest to the exit, in the front of the plane. Service is actually better at the back. The flight attendants are mostly at the back preparing the meals and drinks, if you want any extras they won’t mind getting it for you.

4. In the toilet, we’ll wait
The plane can not take off if there is someone in the toilet. This could also delay a flight. Our advice to you is to make sure you use the bathroom before the flight.

5. Don’t drink from a pot
Unless you’re drinking bottled water, don’t drink tea or coffee on a flight because the pots don’t always get cleaned. A tip, wait until the service is done, because then the coffee is made with the sachets. The waterlines on the plane don’t get cleaned either – ever.

6. Use the toilet properly
The same people serving the food are the same people cleaning the loo. If someone accidentally (and some intentionally) mess the toilet before a meal is being served, a flight attendant has to go in and clean up. The worst part is there might not be enough time to change uniforms before meals are served. If someone makes a ‘mess’ in the bathroom you will see an out of order sign.

7. Choose your neighbour well
If anyone dies mid-flight, they will not be moved. A flight attendant cannot declare a person dead on a flight. This means that if you’re on a long flight, you’d be sitting next to a deceased the entire trip.

Picture: Pixabay



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