Famous for its southern right whale watching during the winter and spring, there’s so much more to the town of Hermanus. Watch as our team takes a trip down the coast to spot whales, swim with seals, enjoy good food and partake in a range of other fun activities – you’ll be planning your own vacay there once you see what we got up to!


Photography Gareth van Nelson/HSMimages.com

Videography Lasse Røed & Andreas Eiselen/HSMimages.com

  • Lea Hofmann
    Lea Hofmann
    December 2, 2016 at 11:35 am

    Lucas Salzmann, Nico Watzal, Anna Hofmann, Josef Hopestätter, Fabian Hofmann, Marcel Skotnik. Schauts euch die Seite an, da gibts voll coole Tipps ?

  • Lucas Salzmann
    Lucas Salzmann
    December 2, 2016 at 11:59 am

    Voiiiiii coooool U0001f437

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