Healthcare workers, the chronically ill, the elderly, and the poorest compatriots will continue to pay the price for the South African governments lack urgency and transparency around COVID-19 vaccine efforts, reports News 24. 

A question of honesty has been raised as vaccine targets are admittedly going to be missed. The government has failed to provide further information – why, or by how much?

Such information needs to be addressed. As well as this, recognition of the fact that the current rollout system is just too slow.

Currently, 43 million doses of vaccines have been secured. Nearly half of these are of the two-dose Pfizer variety.

This alone further calls into question Health Minister Zweli Mkhize and his department, who delayed engaging with vaccine suppliers for months.

Such a lack of urgency will impact the lives of more than 58 million people for years to come.

It is clear that an immediate change in the official approach to vaccine procurement and information sharing is needed. More public updates, more detailed briefings highlighting procurement, more rollout and realistic strategies.

As it stands, our leaders have only contributed to circumstances that have left our country lagging further behind in vaccine access than we have ever been.

Image: Unsplash
