During a webinar hosted by the Gauteng General Practitioners Collaboration on Monday night, Health Minister Dr Zweli Mkhize and Professor Salim Abdool Karim both warned South Africans to practise extreme caution or face the surge of a second wave of COVID-19.

There were 1 677 new infections recorded in South Africa on Monday and 100 new deaths. Mkhize stressed that the significant drop in infections is due to the collaborative effort of health workers in the private and public sectors but that there is no formula to fight the virus.

The National Health Laboratory Services is proof that we are over the worst, as there is no backlog of testing, Karim added.

But, the worst is not over yet, was the messaging from both doctors.

Karim warned that a second wave could become a reality if South Africans do not take prevention measures seriously. A number of other countries around the world are experiencing a second wave due to a relaxing of regulations.

“If we let our guard down or for a short while get complacent about our prevention strategies, our social distancing, mask-wearing and hand washing, the second surge is waiting to pounce,” Karim said.

He asserted that defeating the virus was very possible but South Africans needed to stay on guard as cases continue decline. Wear your mask and continue to social distance.

Picture: Facebook
