MEC for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Anton Bredell said today that dam levels across the Western Cape have dropped to 20.83% full, as compared to 2017 when the levels were 30.09%.

Bredell said that at this stage, the water situation in the 30 municipalities is relatively stable, thanks to continued interventions as well as a concerted effort to save water by citizens and business.

“However, the agriculture sector remains a major concern for us in the provincial government. We will continue to step up and provide support to this important sector, which is bearing the brunt of the drought. From a disaster management point of view, we are now starting to plan and prepare for next season when we may see similar water constraints, especially if we don’t get the rainfall we need in this coming winter.

“We need to retain as much water in storage as possible as we go into the summer of 2018/19.”

Theewaterskloof Dam: 10.7% (2017: 26.03%)
Voëlvlei Dam: 15.5% (2017: 31.2%)
Clanwilliam Dam: 8% (2017: 30%)
Bergrivier: 49.6% (2017: 39.2%).

Day Zero is scheduled for July 15 and residents in Cape Town must continue to save water under Level 6B water restrictions, which only allows for 50 litres of water per person, per day.

The City of Cape Town did not release their figures for the week yet.


Picture: Pixabay


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