Suzelle DIY has come to Cape Town’s rescue. The DIY diva has put together some creative, yet easy to follow, hacks on saving water. With the serious water crisis in Cape Town, there have been tons of advice doing the rounds, but none so fun.

In a video posted on her YouTube channel, Suzelle shows us how to make use of 50 litres of water a day using 10 five litre bottles. She advises that the first four bottles (20 litres in total) should be used for laundry, cooking and washing dishes.

Fifteen litres should be used for showering, 10 litres for the toilet; however, Suzelle urges citizens not to use drinking water for the toilet but grey water instead. The last five litres should be used for drinking, washing hands and brushing your teeth.

Suzelle demonstrates effortlessly how to make DIY sanitiser using only three ingredients: water, tea tree oil and hand soap.

For DIY multi-surface wipes, Suzelle uses a mason jar and traces the lid on soft flexi plastic before cutting around and then using a craft knife to make a triangular hole in the centre. She replaces the centre part of the lid with the plastic, cuts a thick towel role in half and takes out the middle tube. Fold the towel and add it into the jar before mixing water, white vinegar, dishwashing liquid and tea tree oil in a separate bowl. Add the mixture into the jar and thread the loose end of the towel into the triangular hole of the lid and close the jar.

The DIY queen’s next tip is how to shower without a shower. Stand inside a bucket and use a sponge to rub soap all over your body. Take a bucket of warm water and rinse yourself off. The bucket you’re standing in will catch the water which Suzelle advises should be used for your toilet.

And there you have it! Tips and tricks from the Queen of DIY.


Picture: YouTube


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