A monthly update of the water map for February has shown that 203 000 households within the City of Cape Town have limited their water usage to achieve ‘green dot status’.

These households use less than 6 000-litres of water per month, and the City has challenged all homes to aim for green dot status.

This achievement shows that the number households who have now earned the coveted dark green water saving dot has increased by 32%. This means that 49 000 households have stepped up their water-saving skills. The water map marks residential properties using less than 10 500-litres per month with green dots. The map shows that many households across Cape Town have worked to save water.

According to Xanthea Limberg, Mayoral Committee Member for Informal Settlements, Water and Waste Services, the City will still need to stretch its water services despite the aversion of Day Zero.

“Our predicament is that we do not know what kind of rainfall to expect. All of us, therefore, need to stick to 50 litres per person per day – rain or shine, and with or without an immediate Day Zero looming,” Limberg said. “We are required by the National Department of Water and Sanitation to bring our consumption down to 450-million litres per day. We haven’t quite reached this target yet but we know that Cape Town will again come together to do what needs to be done.”

Consumption is indicated on the map as follows:

– Dark green dot: household using less than 6 000-litres per month
–  Grey dot with small dark green centre: estimated water meter reading of less than 6 000-litres per month
– Grey dot with small light green centre: estimated water meter reading of less than 10 500-litres per month
– Solid grey dot: excluded property (including: sectional title property or group housing / undeveloped property / water use is zero / no available information for the property / estimated water meter reading of more than 10 500-litres per month)

The map only shows consumptions for free-standing houses, and does not include the status of cluster housing or flats. The map also show consumption information from meters read in February, and may also include some data from readings taken in January. This information is updated once a month, during the third week of the month.

Households who consume more than 10 500-liters per month are not displayed on the water map. Many high consumers are unaware of their consumption, but City officials also note that many are willing to change their behaviour once they are made aware of how much water they use.

To view the City’s Water Map, click here


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