Johannesburg has delivered 69 000 litres of water to animal shelters across Cape Town.

A video created by Abigail Javier and Anthony Molyneaux showed concerned Joburg citizens contributing to a water drive for animal shelters. The drive resulted in 69 000 litres of water being collected for the cause.

The video highlighted the issue of what happens to stray animals with level 6B water restrictions in effect, and asks the question: “What will happen to rescue dogs in Cape Town shelters if Day Zero strikes?”

“There are 2000 rescued dogs being cared for at Cape Town shelters. Each dog requires two litres of drinking water per day,” the video says.

“We think it’s a very good initiative. The people and the animals in Cape Town are struggling, so we want to do as much as we can to help,” students from Brakenhurst Primary said.

Emily Thomas from the Gift of the Givers Foundation explained that Fallen Angels – an animal shelter – will be the base of operations.

“This water will go to Fallen Angels which is an animal shelter, and that will be our base. From there, the water will be distributed to different animal shelters across Cape Town,” she said.

Fallen Angels’ Gail Basson says that the animals are dependant on the humans. “The worrying thing is that you and I can go to the shops and buy a water or a coke, whereas the dogs can’t. Animals depend on us. That’s why all animal shelters are panicking.”

The water took approximately three days to reach Cape Town by truck. However, problems soon arose when the truck got stuck in the sand. That didn’t stop volunteers from assisting, as the water was successfully offloaded and transported to Fallen Angels.

The dogs received their water on a 37 degree day and quenched their thirst with the fresh water, with some even wetting themselves in the process.

“People really do come together in times of crisis, and especially for animals because they can’t help themselves,” Basson added.

The donated water will be distributed to various animal shelters across the Cape.

Watch the video …

Picture: Pixabay


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