DA leader Mmusi Maimane has said the City and its residents are on track to reach the 450-million litres per day target, and Day Zero has been pushed back by four days.

“Thanks to the water saving efforts of many Cape Town residents, I can confirm that we have begun to push back Day Zero, which is now 16 April 2018,” Maimane said.

Maimane was updating the media in Cape Town on Tuesday on the city’s progress in dealing the ongoing water crisis and impending Day Zero, when all taps will be shut off, forcing residents to queue for water at collection points.

Maimane said the city and its residents had managed to push back Day Zero by cutting consumption to an average of 580-million litres a day for the past week and 540-million litres a day for the past few days.

“This is great progress, but to truly Defeat Day Zero, we need to aim to cut consumption to 450-million litres a day,” Maimane said.

“This is crucial progress, and I offer my thanks and congratulations to all residents who have joined in this campaign to Defeat Day Zero with such commitment. Their efforts have shown fruit. We have started to push back Day Zero, and we can defeat it altogether if we keep going.”

“Pushing back Day Zero by 4 days may not seem like a lot. But actually, it is a significant victory. It shows that residents are coming together and cutting water consumption.”



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