The weather Gods are shining, or rather raining, on Cape Town from Sunday, bringing a few days of much needed rain to our thirsty province. South African Weather Service has predicted that a cold front will sweep over the Western Cape and rain will begin falling on Sunday evening.

There is also an 80% chance of rain forecast for Monday, a 50% chance for Tuesday and on Wednesday we can expect 70%.

rain in cape town

This week dam levels in drought-stricken Cape Town rose slightly to 21.4% from the previous week’s reading of 20.9%. Although, water usage in the City surged by 6.7% – from 519-million litres the previous week to 554-million litres per day in the week ending 14 May. Which is almost 20% more than the daily usage target imposed by the National Department of Water and Sanitation.

Residents in the city continue to adhere to Level 6 Water restrictions, which allocates only 50 litres of water per person, per day.


Picture: Unsplash


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