Western Cape businesses are anxious about facing possible “water shedding”, that may negatively impact production and eventually result in job losses.

Economist at FNB, Dawie Maree, pointed out that water intensive manufacturing such as food and beverages, and textile and chemicals industries would be severely affected by the water restrictions.

“It would mean that they might need to cut back on production, which will lead to a loss in profit and ultimately job losses.

“All businesses share the same concerns that we’re heading for a crisis in the Western Cape. If there is not sufficient rain in the near future and if the consumption is not limited, we might see ‘water shedding’ ,” he warned.

“Alternatives like desalination are on the table, but the disadvantage is the high cost.”

The City of Cape Town requested managers if commercial properties to ensure that the monthly consumption of water is reduced by 20% with immediate effect.

Janine Myburgh, Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry president, has asked businesses to reduce their water usage when it comes to flushing toilets. “The big problem is toilets. Unfortunately, we do not have options available to home-owners such as using shower water to flush toilets.

“We urge all our members to consult plumbers on how to reduce their water usage and where possible install new water-wise plumbing equipment. We also urge them to only flush when necessary.

“Measures like this will continue to save water in future years since we can expect water to become more expensive.”

Myburg has also urged businesses to ask the city for a supply of recycled water where possible, particularly those businesses that use a lot of water.

Photography Cape Town Daily


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