Water consumption in Cape Town has increased again this week, after hitting a record low of 505-million litres per day the previous week. Dam levels remained unchanged at 20.9% full.

Cape Town residents used 519-million litres per day on average during the last week, 14-million litres per day more than the week before.

Cape Town Deputy Mayor, Ian Neilson, said the reasons for the increase are not definitive – but is possibly due to the warm weather experienced.

“Water consumption often fluctuates from day to day and this rise could therefore also be considered a normal change in usage. We will continue to monitor water usage closely. It remains imperative that we all continue our saving efforts to get to the required target of 450-million litres per day.

“It is important that our superhuman efforts to save water continue whether it is hot or cold. Outside weather conditions should have no bearing on our water usage. As a City, we are confident that our consumers will help us to stretch the available water in our dams as we move toward an uncertain winter period where we simply do not know how much rain we will receive and whether it will be sufficient to carry us through Summer 2019,” he said.

Picture: Pixabay


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