A brand new school in India will turn the idea of schooling on its head by focusing on the happiness and positivity of its students over the acquisition of knowledge.

Riversbend School will begin construction this year and aims to be completed in 2020, and the school’s design is unique as its concept utilises the idea of building a school much in the same way that a village is built, so its pupils feel like a community.

The meditation deck and lake at Riversbend School.

The school will focus on teaching its students social skills and ensuring a peaceful environment where students can truly feel at home.

Unique features of the school include a meditation deck and lake, zen garden, pet stables and farming area.

Pupils will develop a positive outlook on life through developing all aspects at an early age, from intellectual and physical to artistic, social and environmental.

Riverbend School’s Zen Garden.

The school’s design and ethos is based on the world’s longest study of happiness that says real happiness comes from the strong personal relationships we have in our lives, which have found to be most prevalent in village environments.

To ensure that children develop strong lasting relationships the school’s designers, Kurani, are creating a village-like school that will foster positive growth in all aspects of every pupil while providing each with the chance to make positive relationships as they grow.

Pictures: Kurani
