The festive season can be stressful. With all the shopping, family responsibilities and chaos of school holidays, you’re bound to blurt out a few expletives. Channel your frustration into a good cause with Rare Diseases South Africa’s (RDSA) “GiveaF@ck” campaign.

Created in 2013, RDSA works to provide those living with rare diseases in South Africa with access to treatment as well as supportive care to improve their quality of life.

As part of #GivingTuesday, a global day encouraging people to practice generosity and kindness following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, RDSA is asking for people to donate money for swearing. The money raised will go towards treatment for people living with rare diseases.

“In South Africa, we have no formalised Rare Diseases policy. Our government and medical aids are turning a blind eye to the thousands of patients with rare diseases. This community is simply being ignored and told that their medications are “too expensive.”” the non-profit explains.

“If we can raise enough (R100-million to be exact), we will be able to kick start a risk equalisation fund which will spread the cost of treating these diseases evenly across the private and public sectors.”

“It will also allow us to centralise procurement giving us buyers advantage and bargaining power to better negotiate pricing.”

To give your profanities a purpose, simply create a swear jar at your work place or home, and contribute to it every time you slip out a swear word. Encourage friends, family and colleagues to participate as well. Once the jar is full, donate that exact amount to Rare Diseases SA using Payfast, Snapscan or Zapper.

Visit their website to pledge your support.

Picture: Facebook / Rare Diseases SA

