There’s been a lot of hype around collagen lately, but what is it exactly? Collagen is a protein found naturally in the body. It forms an essential part of the structure of blood vessels, the digestive tract, bones, tendons, cartilage, muscles, joints, hair, nails and skin. Collagen is also found in teeth and the connective tissue in the gums and jaw.

While you’re still in your twenties, your body starts producing less and less collagen. As you get older, fine lines and wrinkles start forming, hair and nails become more brittle, and you develop aches and pains in your joints – all part of the inevitable ageing process. The good news is that taking a hydrolysed collagen supplement will help to slow this process down.

It’s very easy to include in your diet. Mix it into tea or coffee, a smoothie or yoghurt and add it to soups, stews and gravies. As it’s heat-stable you can even use it in baking. For best results, look for a product that’s natural such as Be Bright’s Pure Hydrolysed Collagen Powder.  It is available in recyclable and reusable jars with refills available.  This product doesn’t contain sugar, sweeteners, carbohydrates, GMOs, flavourings, bulking agents, preservatives, or fillers. While it’s Halal certified at source, it’s not suitable for vegans or vegetarians it is of bovine origin.

The recommended daily intake is 10 – 20g. If you take it daily, you’ll be able to see and feel results after three to 12 weeks depending on the condition of your body’s existing collagen. The cost of adding South Africa’s premium hydrolysed collagen product into your daily diet is just around R12 to R14 per day.


  • Improves skin hydration and elasticity, smoothing out fine lines.
  • Boosts the condition of hair, nails and teeth and promotes healthy growth.
  • Assists with healing acne and scars.
  • Strengthens joints, relieving aches and pains and the symptoms of arthritis.
  • Shortens injury recovery time and encourages healing.
  • Supports and repairs the digestive tract so that the body can absorb all the nutrients and vitamins in your diet. This in turn ensures that your immune system is strong enough to fight infections such as colds and flu.

For more information:

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product mentioned is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any form of disease or illness. Seek advice from a health care practitioner if you have any medical condition. Discontinue use should any adverse reactions occur.

Pictures: Supplied
