We often hear about Vitamin C, D, and zinc being really important for your overall health and wellbeing, but let’s not overlook magnesium, a mineral that’s crucial in order to keep our bodies healthy.

What is magnesium and why you need it? 

Magnesium is a mineral that’s crucial to your body’s function as it helps to keep your blood pressure normal, promote strong bones, and keeps your heart rhythm steady.

We require magnesium for over 300 of the body’s processes including energy production, the synthesis of DNA, protein, and bone as well as nerve function, blood glucose control and muscle contraction.

Here are 10 of the best food sources of magnesium: 


For a much-needed magnesium boost, throw in a handful of spinach into your smoothie and sip up!

Dark chocolate

This may come as a surprise but dark chocolate is packed with magnesium. Make sure to limit your intake though!


As one of the best sources of magnesium, almonds are the perfect go-to snack when you’re short on time.


Legumes are a family of nutrient-dense plants that include lentils, beans, chickpeas, and peas. They are rich in various nutrients including magnesium.

Whole grain bread

Whole grain toast makes a delicious and filling meal, especially when it’s paired with eggs for a protein boost.


To achieve that boost of magnesium and healthy fats, opt for smashed avocado on toast with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Brown rice

Switching from white rice to brown rice can offer a richer source magnesium while providing more fibre.


Bananas are best known for their high potassium content but are also rich in magnesium as one large banana packs 37 mg according to healthline.


Tofu isn’t limited to vegetarians only but can be enjoyed by everyone! Add it to your stir-fry for a healthy, meat-free supper.


Many types of fish are high in magnesium, including salmon and is extremely nutritious. Whether it’s for a quick lunch or a wholesome supper, salmon should definitely be part of your diet.

Picture: Unsplash
