We’ve done it again! Cape Town has come out on top once again after a feature in Numbeo’s 2019 global Quality of Life Index identified the city as the one that provides the best quality of life in the whole of Africa.

Numbeo’s Quality of Life Index surveys the quality of living in 71 countries. They take into consideration key factors such as cost of living, purchasing power, affordability of housing, crime rates, health system quality, traffic or commute times and pollution including air, water, etc.

Only seven cities in Africa – Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cairo, Nairobi and Lagos – made the global ranking.

Cape Town achieved a Quality of Life Ranking of 149.15, ranking highly on the Purchasing of Power Index, Health Care Index and Climate Index.

Lowest on the African ranking is Lagos with a Quality of Life Index of 52.62 and closest behind Cape Town is Durban with a ranking of 144.11.

Overall, 233 cities made it onto the list this year with Cape Town coming in at 122 in the world. The top three places went to Canberra, Australia as the overall best followed by Raleigh, US and Adelaide also in Australia.

As far as countries go, South Africa received a ranking of 40th in the world for its quality of life.

Capetonains can hold their heads high as they go about their daily lives knowing that we’ve got it pretty good here in our windy little city.


Picture: Pexels

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