Have you ever seen an eagle ray? How about a pregnant one? The Two Oceans Aquarium has brought good tidings: Their eagle rays are breeding.

“Love is in the water of the I&J Ocean Exhibit and the eagle rays are breeding! Visitors will surely have noticed the swollen bellies of the pregnant female rays – a bulge on their white undersides – and when they get close to the exhibit’s window you may be lucky enough to spot their unborn young moving!” the Aquarium said. 

“When baby rays are born at the Two Oceans Aquarium, they will first spend some time in our behind the scenes quarantine area to ensure they are healthy. They will then move to the “Ray Pool” in our Skretting Diversity Gallery when they weigh about half a kilogram, where the public can see them, and finally, they will move into the I&J Ocean Exhibit when they are older,” they added.

“Because of their slow growth rates and long lives (up to 25 years), they can spend some time growing in this exhibit. On a case-by-case basis, the eagle rays are released into the wild when aquarists determine that their size and behaviour indicates this is the best move for them – but as the breeding indicates, they are quite happy here for the early years of their lives!” they concluded.

Watch this amazing video about the eagle rays at the aquarium:

The Aquarium has an “After 3 Special” for afternoon visitors who want a bit of a discount to come see the ray. Tickets bought at the Aquarium after 3pm will continue at a reduced rate. See more info here. 

Source/pictures: Two Oceans Aquarium 

Article written by

Anita Froneman