The mind can sometimes feel like a car racing down the N1 at 200km/hour with no hint of slowing down. Unfortunately, this doesn’t bode well for the dark circles slowly beginning to form under our eyes. If you find yourself tossing and turning while you think about the 100 tasks you need to complete the following day, these five natural sleep remedies may help you to make the most of your night and catch more zzz’s. 

Lavender Essential Oil: 

Lavender is a deep-smelling purple flower that offers endless benefits, including keeping those pesky flies away. Adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to your pillow before heading to bed promotes restful sleep and eases anxiety. Take it a step further and add a few drops to a warm bath. 

Play some soothing tunes: 

White noise is known to create a relaxing bedroom environment that promotes healthy, high-quality sleep. Adding soothing sounds to your nighttime routine may help you to relax and fall asleep. Apps like Headspace and YouTube offer playlists that may do the trick.  

Zero Screen Time: 

We’ve all been there: we head to bed bright and early, maybe 9pm, only to find ourselves scrolling Instagram until 1am. According to research, looking at your phone before bed signals to your brain that you’re still awake. This signal interrupts your entire sleep cycle. Try to avoid this by turning off all your devices, including the TV, at least an hour before bed.

Make your bedroom a sanctuary: 

According to sleep experts, your bedroom should only be reserved for sex and sleep;  anything outside of these activities forces your brain to “wake up” every time you enter your bedroom. Watching Netflix in bed may sound amazing, but avoid doing this by keeping it in the living room. 

Have a nighttime routine: 

Having a bedtime routine is a great way to let your body know that it’s time to settle down and go to sleep. Indulge in a few minutes of meditation, which can help keep you sane and allow your body time to settle down before heading to bed. As an alternative, a few minutes of reading each evening or a warm cup of chamomile tea may help to ease you into the evening.
