We’ve all had those moments when we feel as though we’ve hit a wall. We feel run down or ready to throw in the towel and call it a day. However, consuming certain foods may help refuel your body and mind, getting you back on track. If you’re looking for a jolt of energy, then these foods should be on your shopping list.


Chomping down on a banana is a great way to refuel your body and get some energy. It’s also an excellent source of complex carbs, potassium, and vitamin B6, which works together to boost your depleted energy levels. 

Green Tea:  

Green tea is renowned for having a host of benefits, but just what does it do for your energy levels? Sipping on a cup of green tea is a healthier alternative to coffee as it contains small amounts of caffeine. Along with this, it also has high concentrations of antioxidants which help to prevent stress and inflammation – the perfect combination for anyone looking to increase their energy levels and relieve the day’s stress. 


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Not only are apples great for boosting your immune system, but they’re also a great source of carbs and fibre, which helps to get your energy flowing again. Thanks to the large amounts of natural sugar and fibre found in apples, this fruit provides a slow and sustained energy release. Just make sure that you include the skin when chowing on this health snack! 

Dark chocolate: 

If you’re looking for a bittersweet snack that provides a range of health benefits, including an increase in your energy levels, then dark chocolate is perfect. Studies show that cocoa contains various antioxidants that help to increase blood flow. This increased flow improves oxygen levels and aids in reducing mental fatigue and improves your mood. 


 A scrumptious bowl of whole-grain oatmeal for breakfast will help to provide your body with long-lasting energy throughout the day. Oats are packed with fibre and are a source of minerals, vitamins, and phenolic compounds, which all help to fuel your body. 


Another reason to eat avocados! There are so many health benefits to consuming this superfood. Around 84% of the healthy fats found in avocados come from unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids assist in the absorption of nutrients that allow the body to store and maintain steady energy levels. So, don’t forget your avocado on toast. 

Sweet Potato: 

If you’re looking for an extra boost, make sure you add some delicious sweet potato to your lunch. Sweet potato has a high level of complex carbs and fibre, allowing your body to digest slowly and provide you with a steady supply of energy for the day. 

Goji Berries: 

Goji berries are a delicious source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This fruit is a staple in Chinese medicine and is well-known for its anti-ageing properties. Along with its numerous benefits, it is also a great source of fibre which helps to boost energy levels. If you’re looking to enjoy this fruit’s many benefits, make sure you add it to your trail mix or water.

Picture: Unsplash
