“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” -Lucille Ball

Learning to love yourself is one of the hardest but most rewarding things you can do for yourself. To help you along your journey, here are seven ways you can start practising self-love.

Skip the comparison game

We’ve heard it before, but sometimes we need to hear it again. Comparison is one of the biggest killers of self-love because no kind word is ever said when we’re comparing ourselves to others. We often take our greatest flaws and place them side-by-side with someone’s greatest achievements. Unfortunately, no one’s path is the same, and we often forget how those we compare ourselves to may perceive their life or how they may feel. Instead of wasting energy comparing yourself to those around you, use that time and effort to nourish yourself and strengthen your path.

Don’t be afraid 

There’s nothing that holds us back more than fear. Don’t be afraid to fall every once in a while. After all, we cannot learn and grow from our mistakes if we don’t fail. Step outside of your comfort zone, try new things, fail often, and don’t be afraid to dust yourself off again.

Be kind to yourself

We prefer to beat ourselves up instead of showering ourselves with some much-needed love and kindness. When you inevitably stumble and fall, make sure that you choose love and forgiveness for yourself. Take a moment to ask yourself what you need and make sure you give yourself plenty of that.

Stop and take a breath

Life is filled with moments that require us to stop and breathe. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, pause and take a deep breath. This simple act can be an incredible practice of love, kindness and compassion. It’s also a great way to bring you back to the present.

Make time for yourself

Toss the outdated idea that “me-time” is selfish. Whether it’s a relaxing activity, a short walk in your favourite park, or completing a puzzle, take some time out for yourself.

Celebrate yourself

We’re quick to criticize and berate ourselves for our failures but never willing to celebrate our accomplishments. Whether they’re small or big, take the time to acknowledge all that you have achieved and how far you have come.

Set boundaries
Having the courage to set boundaries can be the biggest act of self-love. This invisible line allows you to stay healthy and maintain your mental health. So, never be afraid to say “no,” especially when you are incapable of taking on more than you can.
