There’s nothing more difficult than having to wrestle yourself free from the warm comfort of your duvet to get those endorphins pumping. Next time you’re questioning your existence and sanity with questions like “why am I doing this to myself?”, think back to these six reasons why working out in the morning is a great idea.

A Change in Appetite 

There’s good news for those looking to cut down on the mid-morning office doughnuts. According to a research study conducted in 2012, those who worked out in the morning found images of delicious food less appealing than when they didn’t indulge in a morning workout. This suggests that morning workouts help prevent you from consuming unnecessary calories and alter how your brain responds to food cues. 

Improve Focus 

If you have trouble focusing throughout the day, a morning workout will do the trick. Overall, exercise helps to improve your focus and concentration, irrespective of the time of day, but mornings are the best.  

You’ll be in a better mood 

There’s nothing that’s going to improve your mood more than good ol’ endorphins. Not only does physical activity help to alleviate stress, but starting your day by working out will put you in a better headspace. Working out in the morning will also allow you to feel a sense of accomplishment and set you up for a successful day ahead. 

More energy

Working out in the morning may seem counterintuitive if you’re someone who suffers from a lack of energy throughout the day, but regular exercise is amazing for boosting energy levels. By exercising in the morning, it may help you to feel more energized throughout the day. 

Improved Sleep

According to Healthline, indulging in an early morning sweat session may be what you need to get a good night’s rest. Further research has suggested that those who enjoy a morning workout spend more time in a deep sleep and are less likely to wake up during the night. What’s more? Light exposure early in the day could help increase melatonin levels at night.

Morning workouts can burn more fat 

Looking to burn that stubborn fat? Research shows that exercising first thing in the morning and on an empty stomach forces your body to dip into your fat reserves, which helps give it the energy it needs. This allows you to burn more fat. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat, especially if you’re hungry. Consuming something small like a banana with peanut butter or a delicious hard-boiled egg with toast are great before a morning workout. 

Picture: Unsplash
