There’s nothing more exhilarating than ticking off the last task on your to-do list. Being productive is intoxicating, but it’s also toxic. “Productivity guilt” is a term that many of us have experienced.  Guilt often manifests when we feel as though we’re not doing enough and that we need to keep ourselves busy, causing our to-do list to grow. To help you overcome this guilt, here are a few things you should consider. 

1. Be realistic about what you can handle:

There are times when we may feel as though we’re not doing enough. When this happens, we end up saying “yes” to any and everything. Take a moment to check in with yourself and determine whether you have the capacity to handle a specific task. Remember, you cannot achieve anything if your cup is empty. Remind yourself that it’s okay to say “no,” you’re human after all. 

2.Don’t go on a guilt trip: 

There’s nothing wrong with trying to achieve your goals, but guilt should never be used as a motivator unless you’re willing to deal with the mental side effects. Avoid feelings of overwhelm and guilt by creating a list of tasks or goals for the day, month, or year. Break these into small actionable goals or tasks that will allow you to take small yet intentional steps to achieve what you’ve set out for yourself. 

3.Stop comparing yourself to others:

We’re living in the age of social media, and it’s not easy. At any given time, we’re bombarded with hundreds of curated images a day telling us the same thing – “you’re not good enough.” Sift through the motivational quotes and images of Facebook friends “living their best lives”  and remind yourself of all the wonderful things you are doing. Remember that social media is a beautiful highlight reel of people’s lives and that nothing is as it seems. 

4.Focus on what you have accomplished: 

One of the greatest lessons we can learn is to be kinder to ourselves. It’s easier to guilt ourselves into believing that we didn’t do enough, but the adage; “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” should ring true in this case. If you’d like to shift your focus from feelings of guilt to accomplishment, try reframing your thoughts. Instead of focusing on things you haven’t accomplished for the day, think about all the small and big things you have accomplished. 

At the end of each day, take a few minutes to think of three to five things you’re proud of having accomplished. This ensures that you develop a positive habit of giving yourself credit.

ALSO READ: 4 Ways to be more productive and achieve your goals

4 Ways to be more productive and smash those goals in 2022
