The Angel Network, a South African NPO, has donated R240 000 for 2 000 rape care packs to be made. These care packs are to provide support to victims of rape and abuse.

Penny Stein, a Carte Blanche viewer, was urged to action following a Carte Blanche exposé into the critical shortage of rape kits in police stations around the country. These kits are used to collect samples and evidence from victims bodies and help convict rapists. Carte Blanche stated that more than 80% of police stations did not have any rape kits, leaving some victims to sit for hours while officers try to procure kits from other stations.

According to Carte Blanche, many viewers reached out following their exposé to donate money towards rape kits. However, police were unable to accept as the kits contain very specific items. Stein still wanted to do something to help rape victims, and thus reached out to the Angel Network to propose the care packs. Speaking to Carte Blanche, Stein said, “If we can give somebody a second of dignity, we’ve done our job.”

On the Angel Network website, they write, “Despite the medical protocol that prevents us from doing more, we have together with Penny Stein – who has been instrumental in fighting this insurmountable cause – donated 2 000 rape care packs to clinics, drop-in centres, police stations and a bunch of very hard-working credible NGOs, who tirelessly work in this dark space daily. Our commitment to these rape care packs will be ongoing and we will be there to assist for as long as it takes. Individually, we cannot address the enormity of this problem, but collectively we can offer the victims of rape and abuse a moment of dignity.”

There are four different care packs made to provide for men, women, boy and girl victims. Each care pack contains: a tooth brush and toothpaste, shower gel, a face cloth, tissues, deodorant, mouthwash, a comb, sanitary pads (in the woman pack), underwear, sweets, apple juice, and a personalised note.

The Angel Network is reaching out to the wider public to support this cause. They aim to double their initial donation, and are appealing to everyone to donate R120 to cover the cost of a care pack.

If you would like to donate to this cause, please visit the Angel Network website.

Picture: Youtube / Carte Blanche

